2005 - 2006 Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design, CLTAD, London
2001 - 2003 MA Sculpture, Royal College of Art, London
1998 - 2001 1st Class BA Honours Sculpture, Kingston University
1997 - 1998 Foundation Diploma, De Montfort University, Leicester
Academic work
Since 09/2008 Lecturer in Sculpture, University for the Creative Arts, UCA, Canterbury
2007 – 2008 Teaching and Learning Coordinator, UCA, Canterbury
Since 2006 International and Erasmus Exchange Coordinator, UCA Canterbury
2004 – 2007 Lecturer in Sculpture, Kent Institute of Art and Design, KIAD, Canterbury
2003 – 2004 Learning Officer in the Sculpture Workshop, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds
Visiting Lecturer and International Teaching
2009 Visiting Lecturer, Fine Art, Züricher Hochschule der Künste, ZHDK, Switzerland
2008 Visiting Lecturer, Fine Art, Ecole Regionale Superieur d’Expression Plastique (ERSEP), Lille/Tourcoing, France
2008 Assessor, Bergen Arkitekten Skole (BAS), Bergen, Norway
2007 Visiting Lecturer, Diplom Freie Kunst and MA Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
2007 Visiting Lecturer, Fine Art, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London, England
2007 Visiting Lecturer, Fine Art, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames, England
2007 Visiting Lecturer, Interior Design, University for the Creative Arts (UCA), Canterbury, England
2006 Visiting Lecturer, Graduate Diploma Architecture, University for the Creative Arts (UCA), Canterbury, England
2005 Visiting Lecturer, Fine Art, Wimbledon School of Art, University of the Arts, London, England
2004 Visiting Lecturer, Teacher summer-school, Kent Institute of Art and Design (KIAD), Canterbury, England
Research and Conferences
June 2012 University for the Creative Arts, Presentation of a seminars titled ’Developments in Public Space: The Intelligent Street’, Canterbury
October 2006- Juli 2008 National Arts Learning Network (NALN), Realisation of a Research-Project at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in Canterbury, titled ‘Curriculum Development for receiving HE Courses, and the student experience during their first 45 weeks of study’
April 2008 Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design (CLTAD) Conference, Presentation of a workshop titled ‘Translation of Assessment Criteria’, Lycee Francais, New York
February 2008 University for the Creative Arts (UCA), Teaching and Learning Conference ‘Supporting Students better’, Presentation of a seminars titled ‘Curriculum Development for Receiving HE Courses’, British Library, London
Membership of Professional Bodies
Since 2007 Member of the Kent Local Assessment Advisory Group, LAAG
Since 2006 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, FHEA
Since 2002 Associate Member of the Royal Society of British Sculptors, ARBS
Other Professional Roles
  UCA Assessment Policy Group Member, UCA 07/08 and responsible for development of the Level 0 Grading-Matrix for University wide use from September 2007.
  UCA Quality and Standards Committee Mitglied, UCA 07/08
  UCA Teaching and Learning Committee Mitglied, UCA 07/08
  Panel member, Validation of 7 BA Courses at UCA Maidstone 2007
2011 Juryprize, Winterthurer Skulpturen Symposium, Galerie Weiertal, Winterthur, Schweiz
2008 Artist Residency, ERSEP Tourcoing, France.
2006 Förderpreis für Junge Kunst. Dr. Rudolf Zorn Stiftung, Munich, Germany.
2006 Travel Scholarship to Tallinn, Estonia. Turner Contemporary Margate, England.
2002 Bursary Award, Royal British Society of Sculptors, London, England.
2000 Stanley Picker Travel Scholarship to Mexico, Kingston University, England.
1998 First Prize, Colour Competition. Fondazione Mimeri, Italy.